Did you know that every single one of us is a manifestation powerhouse?

Yes, ever human being is successfully co-creating with the universe, whether we know it or not, believe in it, or not. 

Think about the best thing that ever happened to you? You attracted that.

Now, think about an experience in your life that was unpleasant. Yes, you attracted that as well. 

Unlike popular beliefs, we don’t only create “dreams come true” type of moments, but all type of moments.

The good news is that when we are responsible for our own experiences, we can actually do something about it. If life just happens to us, we would be limply powerless.

Let’s visit your favorite manifestation again:

How did you do this? Take out your favorite note book and start writing down how you got there. Note how your actions were driven by thoughts that were charged with emotions, that originated from a set of beliefs that originated the entire series of events. That is no fluke! That is literally the recipe for successful manifestation. 

So why are we not successful in creating what we want all the time?

Are you feeling out of alignment?

Have you ever sort of tested the Universe to see if this Law of Attraction stuff actually works? What scenario in your life did you use your litmus test on? How not shocked are you to learn that a lot of people do these giant ultimatums to see if the Law of Attraction works. Like, “I am going to sit here on this parkbench and in the next 10 minutes my soul mate will walk by, or this is a bunch of bologna.” Okay, this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but some of the examples are not far off. 

While the Universe can yield you what you desire in divine timing, there are a lot of variables to such a request. 

So what do you do when you experience stuckness, or confusion as to why you are not attracting what you want? Google trends shows spikes to how often people turn to the trusty ole internet for some enlightenment on how to use the law of attraction. A search engine entry might even be the reason you are presently reading this article.

Another pearl clutcher: The internet is filled with inconstent and sometimes a bit whacky information. Sifting through what you find believable, and utter rubbish can be overhwelming. Not uncommonly, many think they understand how the Law of Attraction works, but feel frustration from patchwork, lackluster  results.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why people struggle with the Law of Attraction:

  • Vibrational mismatch

Personal story: Our family loves playing card and boardgames. One of the kids picked up a new game called “Chameleon” with the plot of trying to identify which player in the game was a phony, faking their way through answers to questions they were not in on. Leave it to the Swede. When it was my unfortunate turn to play the role of the imposter, the chameleon, she instantly picked up my change of vibrational energy. Not knowing how to describe why she thought I was the chameleon, she laughed aloud and said to the others “Look at his liar face!” While I was trying to hold it together for the sake of the game, I knew she had spotted the inauthenticity in my energy, and was in on it. I can’t get much past the Swede. 
So how does this story apply to the Law of Attraction? The law of Manifestation states that your beliefs, words, thoughts and actions need to be in alignment to co-create with the universe. If your words in what you say you desire are mere a veneer to a completely opposite belief that you hold, you are likely going to struggle in achieving your desired results.

For example, if you desire to make $500k per year but have big questions on how realistic that is because no one in your family, including yourself, has ever made that much. You may feel hopeful but lack the conviction that it would actually happen. When these misalogned energies are picked up by the universe it, like the Swede, can see right through the poorly disguised “liar face.” We still laugh about that story.

  • You do not fully believe what you cannot see

Personally speaking, I love speed. Racing down a road in a fast car, doing quick maneuvers, just fuels me to want to go faster, do more tricks, and let the adrenaline flow. If you strap me in the passenger seat in that same car, for those same exact maneuvers, it’s a good idea to have a barf bucket handy. Put me on a roller coaster where I do not have the ability to control the ride and my stomach turns, my eyes water, and I bargain for my life. Can anyone else relate to this?  Similarly, us humans tend to want to oversee everything. We want our paws on the controls, choreograph how everything is going to go, and especially- direct the outcome. To be completlely vulnerable with you, this mindset held my progress back for what feels like a very long time. Allowing the universe to deliver what I was co-creating was a learning curve of trust and understanding in all 7 of the Laws of Attraction. Fortunately, after many personal successful attraction events, I less often feel like I must  be in the driver seat. I have come so far in learning to align my energy with my desires and manifestation that I even leave the chum bucket behind, so to speak.

  • Your magnets are mismatched

The Law on Magnetism says you attract is very similar to how a magnet works. Let’s look at this deeper. If you ever used magnets, you know that there are very strong, potent magnets that will attract quickly from a distant while there are smaller or weaker magnets that can barely hold on at a close distance. Your magnetism toward your attraction is similar. The ability to attract depends on the potency of your magnets. Now here is a brain bender: your magnetism attracts what you are. Like, attracts like. What many people are missing is, while they desire to HAVE, so they can DO, they first need to BE.

We can often use a bit of a tune up on this one as we want to be the kind of person that can attract what we desire.

Magnets attract to certain metals but will not attract to some metals, say, aluminum. If you are not attracting what you desire, your magnetic energies may be a mismatch for that particular magnetic attraction. You want to charge your energy field with similar magnetic charge: Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and most importantly your beliefs, must be on the same frequencies. 

How to use this in your business:

Looking at these illustrations above you can see a common denominator:  consistent alignment with your thoughts, beliefs, and desires.

Next time you set an intention, ask yourself; is this thought, belief and desire perfectly matched? If so, manifestation is coming soon. If the answer is no, it is a good idea to explore which beliefs no longer serve your best interest and begin an upgrade. Meanwhile, start your manifestation practice where your footing is firm in your beliefs. So let’s go back to the $500k a year desire that you aren’t really feeling. What do you believe is actually possible for you to manifest right now? Maybe you beliefs are in alignment with doubling your income? Now you can feel the difference.

Abundantly forward,

Swede & Bear

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