Are you attracting positive or negative client experiences?

For those familiar with the Law of Attraction are also versed in the phrase “like attracts like,” meaning we attract what we are. If we are sending out positive energy, we attract similar, if we excude negative vibrations, we attract negative.

For example, let’s say you are a writer who is fully inspired to author a motivaional book, and suddenly you seem to be surrounded by negative people, like you are some sort of jerk magnet.

Or you are a real estate managing broker, feeling completely in tuned with your higher purpose, yet there is a rash of complaints coming in for some of your best and strongest agents.

So why is it then that we sometimes attract undesired experiences when we feel our best?

Check in on who you are hanging around.

First, let’s remember we are all part of the power of One. We are all connected to the same energy source, if you will. We forget that sometimes as our culture has become so hyperfocused on the individual. We manifest, not only individually, but as a collective. As a matter of fact, there is incredible power behind manifestations of scale. Just think about how powerful organized protests and demonstrations are, or concerts etc.

Now, this is not a cop out suggesting that things happen at us, rather than for us.  We are 100% responsible for our own experiences. Hence, whether the experience is self imposed, or by group energy, we are active participants in the co-creation. So checking in on who you keep company with, what you are feeding your mind, and what the group energies are around you is a great first step. Because we have a choice in what we are participating in, even if it’s whether or not we watch the evening news.

Your light attracts moths to the flame

When we feel our lowest we often reach for those in alignment to help us back on our feet. However, it may not express itself appropriately to others. If you are a healer, just ask who seeks your expertise? It usually isn’t those in prime health. If you are a real estate agent, you are likely aware that moving tops the chart of most stressful situations for many people. Therefore, you are likely to bump into an inordinary number of perfectly lovely humans who lose their balance during their buy-sell experience. For our authors, you are creatives that often hang around other creatives. Our creative minds is both our superpower in creating positive experiences, and can also quickly manifest the opposite as we are really good at visualization. If you are the spark of light among your writer friends, you are likely the one charging the batteries of those running low, so to speak.

Fixing a problem may create a fixation on the problem

When we are working on something we can get so focused on the issue that it is easy to attach emotions that fuel manifestations of what we don’t want. Sometimes, when we are in our prime we are so focused on feeling good we subconsciously are shifting to avoiding conflict or difficulty. When we connect beliefs and emotions to avoidance we are unfortunately creating what we don’t want. So while under the impression that we are focused on the positive, we may have switched to emphathising on “not what I don’t want to experience.” And that is a whole different ball of wax.

You are going through a growth spurt

We are all here to learn in our human experience. Life is not only a bed of roses, by design. Look to some of the most influential people of our time: Dalai Lama, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Mother Theresa…the list goes on. Even in their incredible lives they have gone through serious challenges. 

Pain is a precursor to change.

Change is required for growth.

The people and situations that appear to challenge you are about to equip you for where you are to go next. And where you are heading has the potential to make extraordinary impact for others.

Abundantly forward,

Swede & Bear

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