You came, you intended, you meditated…but did you manifest?

We so often hear people say things like “I tried ____fill in the blank (LOA, affirmations, manifesting, etc.)___, but it doesn’t work.”

Sadly, they are often correct. But not for the reason(s) they may think.

To the contrary, the Law of Attraction is hard at work: You attract what you believe.

The kicker is that the Universe isn’t necessarily like a well-greased vending machine, instantly spitting out what we think [with emphasis] that we asked for. Similarly, every basketball thrown isn’t a slam dunk, just because gravity is real. Understanding how gravity or the other laws of the universe work, and how to effectively use them, greatly increase the rate of desired outcome.

 You attract what you believe, not what you think that you believe.

Let’s look at a common desire: money. As a representation of wealth, people generally want to make lots of money. So if so many of us set out to attract more money, whether intentionally or not, why are there varied results? Perhaps the question we really seek is, what is it that people who successfully attract a lot of money do differently than those who don’t? As we keep saying, there are 7 laws of attraction, so there are 7 engine lights to check for this conversation. One of the often skipped over laws is the Law of Right Action. There is a common misunderstanding that has been promulgated by pop-culture and the entertainment industry, leading people to believe that all you need to do is wish really hard for what you desire to materialize. While telepathy is absolutely real, there are not a lot of us humans who use it exclusively as our preferred method for consistent results. Use our basketball example to consider how many slam dunks land without ever walking onto the court, versus taking the right action?

Similarly applies to receiving more money. True beliefs and desires are followed by deliberate and intentional action. If you have been wishing for more money, but not received, check what action steps may have been missed.

For example:

Let’s take two real estate agents. Let’s call them Bill and Ted.

Both Bill and Ted say they want more money. They both want to make at least $100k per year in their real estate business. So, they both set out to manifest at least this amount. Both do their daily affirmations and intentions.

Bill does his daily affirmations and thinks about all the ways he can help people. He truly believes he has the talents and ability to make a difference in people’s  lives by offering his services. He can’t wait to get started! Bill closes his eyes and can picture himself shaking hands with smiling clients, and earning generous compensation as a result. He can feel it. Bill reaches out to his sphere of influence with enthusiasm, builds relationships- and business starts coming in. It feels genuinely good to want to help others and the state of wanting is a strong attraction energy. Therefore, Bill continues to bring in more business and is easily attracting more money.

Ted does his daily affirmations, and he also thinks about different ways he can help his clients with their real estate wants and needs. He grabs a cup of coffee, picks up a script and a  list of numbers from his lead services, and starts making phone calls. It’s about lunchtime and Ted has experienced more rejection than success, Ted decides his efforts are fruitless and decides to end his efforts. A few days go by, and Ted is feeling defeated. He is still saying his affirmations, but decided not to waste his time making phone calls. He considers sending out beautiful high-end  postcards,  or maybe joining a networking group, but he can’t seem to make up his mind.  A few months later, Ted has not received a check and is in a state of need. Need is a resistance energy, which often amplifies the attraction to lack.

Both professionals took action, so why the difference in result? 

In our not so fictitious example, the difference between Bill and Ted in this example is the Law of Right Action. Bill desired and truly believed in his intentions and his goal.

 While he set out to help people in any way he could, he took the necessary action steps toward helping clients, which in turn generated the desired income. 

Bill had found his flow in the frequency of wanting to help people, making money, and gratitude.  Bill’s action was in absolute alignment with his belief.

Meanwhile, there is no doubt that Ted also wanted to make six figures this year, but his beliefs of being able to do so did not match his desires. Because there was a lack of congruence with his desires and beliefs it was like pulling teeth to bring his vibrational frequency to match gratitude and abundance. Instead, Ted nosedived into a lower vibrational field filled with self-doubt and hesitation, sending signals of desperation, which can yield dicy manifestation results.

For the record, we don’t hold this against Ted. We have all been there, at least at some point in our journey. The Ted in us also serves a purpose. But we will discuss that another time.

And the good news is, once you see it in yourself, you have the power to change!

The fine line between desire and belief

The Law of Right Action, in crude terms, is like a lie detector test. 

When we read a book, or watch a movie that says that all you have to do is wish really hard and a million dollars come delivered to you by Fabio riding bareback on a unicorn, most of us don’t really believe it. As a result, it doesn’t happen. Because, our actual beliefs don’t match our desires. 

Now, if you believe that you can receive a million dollars through the right business opportunity, you start looking for such an opportunity so you can take the right action. I mean, you would not want to miss that, right? Only if you don’t believe that opportunity would come your way would you stay home and not make an effort to take action.

We very much create our experiences from our beliefs. Your actions is firm evidence as to what you actually believe.

How to use the law of right action in your business.

  •  Believe in what you desire. Affirmations said 2 to 3 times a day helps solidify your beliefs. Like going to the gym to build muscle, repetition is the key.

  • Visualize yourself already having what you believe is yours.

  • Give thanks to the Universe every day for already having it. Don’t wait for it to happen live as though you already have it. 

  • Gratitude is the frequency of abundance and a vibrational match is the law of right action. 

  • Continue to work on your belief of being worthy. If you believe you are worthy the frequency of worthiness will be in harmony with your desires. 

Abundantly forward,

Swede and Bear

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