Sorry Instagrammers, the Universe had the market on influence way before ducklips.

Sorry Instagrammers, the Universe had the market on influence way before ducklips.

We are of course talking about the Law of Universal Influence.

As a society with an emphasis on individualism, we may forget about this 1/7 of the Laws of Attraction and it can directly impact our manifestation outcomes. 

Ironically, it is this little inconspicuous law of the universe that social influencers have learned to hone for their popularity, whether they have done so deliberately or not.

Let’s begin with understanding the Law of Universal Influence

Think back to a time when you were so excited to share an exciting thought or idea with someone, just to have them shoot it down. You can feel the abrupt energy shift as it suddenly and impactfully came to a halt. The expression “You took the wind out of my sail,” comes to mind. You came in with positive energy and someone abruptly changed the energy field like a sharp prick to a balloon (pun unintended, but left in place for the author's amusement). 

Similarly, imagine feeling stressed over money and you receive an unexpected surprise check in the mail that solves your worries. Your energy goes from low to jubilant in an instant!

This transfer of energy is an example  of the Universal Law of Influence.

The universe is composed of a web of energy. Since everything is energy, that is a lot of charge. Every thought and action are intertwined which creates an outcome. If one person’s energy is powerful, imagine how supercharged the energy a collective would have when thoughts, emotions and actions are focused on the same desire.

How you are influenced by the events around you

First of all, let’s state the obvious: We, at least in part, co-create our experiences in life.

We are each responsible for where we are at right now, due to decisions we have made leading up to this moment in time. Life is not happening to you, or at you. It is happening for you.

So let’s look at the above example where you allowed someone to change your energy about your brilliant idea. Yes, we do have the decision making power to not be affected by someone else’s negative response. We can  make the decision to not allow their comments to hijack our energy field and write it off as one person’s opinion. 

We have the option to still have conviction in our idea and choose to maintain the high vibrational energy we came in with. 

Influence is as powerful as we allow, and as powerful as we project.

Contagious energy.

Energy is “contagious.” 

When you walk into a party where everyone is happily conversing and having a great time, you are easily persuaded, uplifted and want to participate  in this same positive energy. On the flip side, there is the phenomenon of “misery loves company'' where it is   easy to be sucked into the vortex of negativity- if we allow it. It is really your choice with which current you hitch your energy to, so to speak. These influences are opportunities for you to follow and be a vibrational match to the current energy. And you are bombarded with such opportunities every day.

With at least equal importance we must remember that we participate in influencing others around us. We choose how we show up in other people’s experience. That is an incredibly powerful and humbling realization. We have the power to brighten or dampen someone’s day. 

Your core vibrational energy

Now, for bonus points, the Law of Magnetism works cohesively with the Law of Universal Influence, so we are always drawing matching energies to ourselves. How we respond to the events around us is a clear indicator of the state of our conscious and subconscious mind. If we don’t like the energies we are surrounding ourselves with, we want to check the energies we, ourselves, emit. 

We invite you to conduct regular check in’s on your emotions and thoughts (dead giveaways to our energy emission) and stay congruent to the vibrational energy you wish to emanate.

How to use this in your business:

  • When the mindsets of those around us (clients, co-workers, vendors, etc.) do not align with our own, we have an incredible opportunity to influence it with higher vibrational energy. 

  • Use the Law of Magnetism to attract people into your energy field. Like attracts like and customers who align energetically with you. Keep in mind we don’t get all the clients- and that is okay- as not every client is  a good match for us. Working with aligned vibrational matches catapults your business forward.

  • Understanding that everything is energy. Using yours for your benefit, as well as mankind as a whole. You hold the power to do big things beyond your own personal gain. 

  • You have the power to make the (business) world a better place without saying a word.  Your thoughts, your actions and reactions  translate to energy that influences others in the workplace. Think of the guy in the office that everyone likes hanging around,and up for a promotion,  because “there is just something about him.” You have that power.

  • Use your words deliberately and impactfully. How many careers have been made or ended after a single tweet? Our words are a derivative of our beliefs. We create through our thoughts, which in term often take form in words. Words are incredibly powerful, whether spoken, written, or tweeted. 

Abundantly forward,

Swede and Bear

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