Is the Law of Delicate Balance tripping up your manifestation results?

Have you ever wanted something so badly, your soul aches, yet the Universe seems deaf to your manifestation attempts?

Ask me how I know. 

Us humans have a tendency to get a little obsessed when we really want something. So why isn’t the Universe just granting our wishes? We spoke about the Law of Unwavering Desires last week, and it would seem that passionate desire should have the Universe cough up what we want then?

Well, there is this thing called the Law of Delicate Balance.
It is a whole lot about gratitude and appreciation. You have heard Swede teach on this topic in our business course. Gratitude happens to be one of her favorite topics and she has a knack for understanding manifestation like few I have ever met.

The Law of Delicate Balance asks us to be grateful for what we have.

Think of it like a teeter totter with your emotions balanced on each side of it.
Imagine yourself at work and a difficult client walks in. Add those emotions to one side of the teeter totter. We can instantly understand what happens next, one side lowers and the stuff stacked on top could go sliding.

Let’s go back to our example of wanting something so much it hurts.

There we are using the Law of Unwavering Desire like a champ and BOOM! -Life and work happen and shake up our energy field (the teeter totter).

In our world of social media and daily news programming (emphasis on the latter), our brains quickly shift from warm vibes to frustration, obsession, depression, fear and anger. No wonder as we have trained ourselves since we were very little to have such reaction. So much so that it is called “normal.”

But the teeter-totter of delicate balance was thrown off, often without us even realizing it.

You can see how quickly our energy fields can be diminished and imbalance occurs at the hand of our own emotions.

“See it big, keep it simple.”

I have written many professional real estate investing blog posts on the concept of S.I.B.K.I.S. (See It Big, Keep It Simple). Interestingly, this notion is very applicable to the law of delicate balance. In our lives and in our businesses, we want to see the BIG picture of our desires. Simultaneously, we also want to be very cognitive of keeping it simple, being mindful of the little things. We, as humans, often over complicate things. We easily attach feelings to incidents and events, no matter how insignificant.  When we take our eyes off the big picture, the little occurrence of the day suddenly changes our emotions and triggers an imbalance. 

The little things can become our big thing.

By keeping things simple, we can more simply practice letting the little things roll off our shoulders. As a result, we are better focused on what really matters so we can maintain the delicate balance the universe requires for effective manifestation.

How Balance = Manifestation

When the energies are in balance within us, we have a peaceful and grateful state of mind. When we maintain these states, we raise our energetic vibrations to match the desires we wish to manifest.

How to use this in your business:

  • Focus on the big picture and keep things simple.
    Avoid letting things trigger negative emotions within you. You are here for a reason and meant to make a difference in this world.

  • Acknowledge that we interact with different people with different emotional experiences every day.  
    Allow events to take place without feeling the need to label it good, bad or indifferent. You have an important goal to achieve in your business and that is your primary focus. 

  • If it is meant to be it will be.
    We are each in our human life journey, where there are lessons for us to learn along the way. It is part of our purpose. Yes, even the experiences we would describe as unpleasant. Maybe especially those. Stuff happens. Remember, it is not what happens, but how we respond to what happens that controls whether we maintain the law of perfect balance. 

Abundantly forward ,


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