Is 2023 the year you allow abundance into your life?

The Laws of Attraction state the ability of how to attract, into your life, what you focus on. 

Your beliefs create your thoughts and emotions, and these become your actions. Think of the power you have as a co-creator in the universe. Your beliefs are your compass, guiding your journey. Your thoughts are your fuel, and your emotions guide your discernment and motivation. You think and feel yourself in alignment with what it is you truly want. Clearing your mind and managing your thoughts opens the windows for opportunities. You see, everything you have are things and events that you have created. Whether you created it deliberately, or by default. The thoughts that frequent your mind become your manifestations. 

Attract what you want by embodying the essence of the experiences you wish to have:

For example, if you desire success, start with asking what success means to you. Create clarity of what success means to you and its purpose in your life.

·      Think success

·      Envision success

·      Speak of success

·      Breathe success

·      Act on success

·      Become success


Mimic the individuals whose lives inspire you:

·      Notice how they are happy

·      Notice how they avoid gossip 

·      Notice how they avoid complaining and instead find the good in things

·      Notice how they make great use of their time.

Notice the great things you aspire to be and focus on what you want. 


We invite you to perform a daily thought checkup in 2023 

It is impossible to create the great things in your life that you want, while focusing your attention on the things you do not want. Congruence between beliefs and desires is key for deliberate manifestation. This is why you often hear things from successful people such as, “I do not watch the news,” if they experience the media as filled with negativity. Avoid letting negativity and gossip take up space in your life, and instead mimic the thoughts and habits of those who inspire you. 

Allow your creations to reflect back at you- and through you

Look at your life as a reflection of your inner thoughts and creation.

This is not a physical exercise asking to judge looks, but one that goes beyond what you can touch.

Each day in 2023, we invite you to look in the mirror. After checking your physical condition in your morning routine, look past the superficial exterior and ask yourself if the essence in the reflection in the mirror is the same as what you want the world to see. Do you embody what you wish to create?  As we align what we desire with what is, we have a positive relationship with the self that radiates back. However, we are humans and there are days when we are not necessarily representing in person what we wish to accomplish. What we radiate outward is a result of our actual beliefs, thoughts and emotions from within our inner world. It is a quick fact check to see if our aspirations and manifestations are congruent. If we find ourselves out of alignment, the cause isn’t the result. The result is the sum of cause. The cause is your beliefs, thoughts, words and actions. 

This single exercise can go a long way to keep you on course throughout the year to aid in manifesting the life you desire.


To manifest something new, we must be open to change.

To shift toward growth, we also want to point the compass into the same direction.

Growth expands the unknown by creating the known, a process that can be uncomfortable for many. However, think about the reason you wish for the change. Is it worth a bit of perceived discomfort to reach your highest dreams? If you have been experiencing illness, but desire health, it would mean focusing on health over illness. If you are at an undesired weight and desire change, it would mean focusing on what a healthy physical you would feel like, over the old version of your body. If you are not satisfied with your relationships, focus on what you desire in relationships and lead the change with those around you. 


Once you believe you can be successful, healthy, or in love, you want to act on it.

Just as a pro athlete works every day to be better, you want to work every day to 

align your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Allow them to be an integral part of your daily interactions. Your outer reality in the mirror, will reliably and authentically reflect the present state back to you, affirming your progression.


Abundantly forward,


Karin RosarneComment