Attract incredible abundance in 2023 using this ridiculously simple tip

Imagine waking up a year from now, experiencing one of the most fruitful and expansive time periods in your life so far! What will it be like to wake up inspired, motivated and a series of bucket list items checked off?

What if we told you that it is much simpler than you think?

A big reason I gave up the constant grind to get ahead is that I discovered that I was increasingly resisting the need to always be on. Toiling from dusk to dawn is a common industrial era method designed to get ahead, and it does work to some extent, circumstances and time. The challenge for many, however (and was certainly the case for me) is that constant grinding is not sustainable. At some point something is going to give, and my back or sanity were equal possibilities. I wasn’t enjoying my work anymore, everything seemed hard, and time spent doing what I enjoyed seemed a commodity. So I decided to try something wildly different to claim my life back. And that is how I got into all this Law of Attraction stuff.

“What you resist, persists.”

I had started to resist my belief that I “always needed to be on” to grind longer and harder, to maintain momentum. As I dug deeper into the Laws of Attraction, I slowly discovered that this vibrational energy of resistance was the same as the vibrational energy of lack. 

Light bulb moment

And that’s when the light came on, so to speak.  The more dissatisfied I was with my current state of business, the harder I grinded, unknowingly, the more I resisted, which resulted in a lack of vibrational energy.
The solution became clear: I needed to change my focus from what I didn’t have to what I wanted more of. Not what I wanted less of.

Since it can be tricky to feel the emotions of something we have not yet experienced, I started by making a list of what was good in my life and business. As I wrote I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders. My list of goals and wants went from looking like an obligation to something I was truly looking forward to.

There is a word for it: Gratitude

Come to find out that gratitude equates to the positive high vibrational energy of abundance. So when we are grateful, we attract more of that good stuff. So when we are grateful for what we have, it results in receiving more of it in abundance. 

Growth through discovery.

It is fascinating when we start looking at our beliefs, which ones serve us, and which ones don’t. I had subscribed to the philosophy that I had to participate in work habits that exhausted me both physically and mentally to get ahead. Once I lifted my eyes from the grindstone I realized that pushing like that rarely works in the long run. The information was there, right in front of me the entire time, all I had to do was to open up for information that was beyond what I already thought I knew. 

The more I learn, the less I find I know. And there is comfort in that.  

Invite  2023 to work for you

As you write down your goals to accomplish in 2023, I invite you to really focus on what your beliefs are and how they are working for you. What is serving you well and you want more of it? Perhaps some beliefs are no longer moving you forward, and no longer in the best interest for you and those around you? 

How to use this in your business

  •  Express gratitude for what you already have 

  • Set current goals based on what you want more of in your existing business and relationships

  • Gratitude creates altitude: The more you thank, the more you bank. Abundance begins with serving a need for others. When we let them know we appreciate them, they want to do more business ith us. Create a gratitude network.

  • Be cognitive of your resistance and use the techniques above to work through the resistance as it serves its course.

  • Be the attractor not the tractor.

Abundantly forward,

Bear & Swede

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