Book of the month: Think and grow rich, by Napoleon Hill

“Think and grow rich,” by Napoleon Hill, is one of the earliest books attributed to the topic of law of attraction.
Originally published in 1937, Hill set out to interview the richest men of his time, like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Edison and Ford, with one question “how does one create success?”

The answer was mind boggling. A game changer for truly. The reaction the public had was not far from what you hear today when people first learn about the law of attraction. Some immediately accept the concept, others skeptical, and of course there are those that throw out the idea before they crack the cover of the book.

Napoleon Hill himself became rich through his writings, practicing what he was preaching.

To those of us who are intrigued by the Law of Attraction, this cult classic is a must read. Not just once. But over and over. We recommend owning at least one copy of this book. We, personally, own several.

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Highly recommended 〰️