How clear is your vision for your dream business?

Have you ever felt like you have tapped out your business' potential? Or like you are spinning your wheels, finding yourself at the same income and result, year after year?

You may want to check how clear your vision in your business plan is.

And believe me, you are not alone.

Many of us entrepreneurs start off with a fire in our belly, with a goal to achieve, finding that once we get there we have less clarity. And that's when we find our old friend, the rut; doing the same thing on repeat that got us okay results, but not finding the same intense motivation.
The issue is without a clear vision of where we are going, we don’t know where we will end up. It’s like getting into an uber without an address. Where you get out of the ride can be completely different than you had hoped.

Having a vision isn’t just about your end goal, but your next step. Once you know where you are going, lining your steps into that direction is pertinent.

I can hear the “well, duh” as you are reading this. You would be surprised how many of us know this is all common sense, but it had not dawned on us that it is the very reason our business results look much different than what we say our goals are.

This is why we created the Vision Finder Journal for your Dream Business. It is a technique for entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners discover their business vision through journaling. As with many of our journals it has a video tutorial to accompany you through the process.

So what does having a vision have to do with the Law of Attraction?

Just everything.

You are attracting right now. Everything you have, your whereabouts and your present experience, are all things you are attracting. Yup. Even that.

When we are not clear in what we actually want, we have a tendency to start clouding our intentions with subconscious thoughts. You know, where we like to stuff undealt past trauma and random fears. In other words, without being clear in your vision, we often start filling out the blank spaces with resistance.

It’s like riding your bike with the brakes on.

Trying to navigate while balancing with your brakes on often lands you on the ground to start over.

Check out our page for upcoming workshops.

Much love,

Swede & Bear

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